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Maniacal Cuteness P.3

hahaChase DuBose
00:00 / 04:01
QuebaChase DuBose
00:00 / 04:02
gleChase DuBose
00:00 / 04:02
aaaaaaa exhalesChase DuBose
00:00 / 04:03


Material: Welded steel

Duration: 4 minutes

Four white pillars of various heights stand in opposite corners of the space, each with a black cloth draped over and a bunny shaped figure made of steel stands on top, as four repeated sounds echo throughout the space. Each  creatures has their own sound which is not only their name but the only thing they can tell you. When traveling to different countries a person will not always be able to understand the language spoken and communication is slim. However, the one phrase everyone can communicate is their name. The lack of vocal understanding and communication between cultures is what these creatures are based around.

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